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Myths and Realities of End-of-Life Care: Supporting the Dying in Their Final Days

This webinar explores trends and options in end-of-life care aligned with Catholic teachings. It discusses advanced care planning, life-preserving measures, artificial life support, palliative care, and expressing end-of-life wishes.

Nourishing Body and Soul: Exercise and Nutrition for Religious Communities

This webinar, lead by Helen Battisti, PhD, RDN, CDN, focuses on making informed nutritional choices, incorporating simple exercise routines, and understanding the spiritual dimension of wellness, especially for aging members of religious communities.

Cluttering, Collecting, or Hoarding?

This presentation addresses the rise of hoarding among women and men religious, exploring its symptoms, causes and potential treatments.

Living Longer and Living Better

Since members of religious communities live up to seven years longer than the general population, this presentation explores what we can do individually and as a community to improve the quality of life for senior religious.

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