There are many ways to provide financial assistance to senior religious and their communities. Your gift is tax deductible.

Give at your parish

Please give during the annual collection at your local Catholic parish. For 2024, the national collection dates are December 7-8, although some (arch)dioceses choose to hold the collection on different dates. If you are unable to give to the collection during Mass, please mail your offertory envelope to your parish (write RFR on the memo line of your check). Or contribute through your parish’s online giving platform, if available.

By Mail:
Retirement Fund for Religious
National Religious Retirement Office
P.O. Box 96988
Washington DC 20090-6988

Donation form to accompany your gift

Online Giving
At present, the Retirement Fund for Religious does not accept online donations, but you can make a secure, electronic contribution at the Diocese of Buffalo’s Share in the Care site. All donations made through the Diocese of Buffalo are forwarded to the National Religious Retirement Office.

Matching Gifts and United Way
Your employer may have a Matching Gift Program for the Retirement Fund for Religious appeal. Be sure to ask for a matching gift form to send in with your donation. If your company is not already enrolled, ask how this program can be established in your workplace. If you work for a company that participates in the United Way, ask your coordinator about designating the Retirement Fund for Religious to receive your donation.

Stocks and Mutual Funds

As of October 1, 2021, the Bank of New York Mellon will accept stock and mutual fund donations for the Retirement Fund for Religious through Pershing LLC as the broker dealer.

View transfer instructions


To make the National Religious Retirement Office or the Retirement Fund for Religious a beneficiary in your will or estate planning or to make a restricted gift, please use the following language set forth:

“To the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C., (EIN 53-0196617) for the exclusive purpose of assisting Roman Catholic religious orders in the United States to provide for the retirement needs of their elderly members.”

(The term “religious orders” includes religious orders, congregations, institutes, etc. of both women and men.)