2021 Photos
Sister Ursula Marie George, 95, Ursuline Sisters of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH
Father Edmund Smith, 83, Benedictines of Mt. Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, OR
Sister Emilia Irene Lara, 89, Missionaries Guadalupanas of the Holy Spirit, Los
Angeles, CA -
Sister Theresa Hathaway, 88, Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Beaverton, OR
Sister Elizabeth Sohler, 89, Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon, Beaverton, OR
Brother James Bartos, 79, Benedictines of Mt. Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, OR
Sister Mary Hope Doudard, 87, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, San
Antonio, TX -
Abbot Emeritus Gregory Duerr, 84, Benedictines of Mt. Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, OR
Sister Catarina Santa Cruz, 88, Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, San
Antonio, TX -
Sister Mary Guadalupe Jumarang, 75, Franciscan Sisters of Our Lady of Sorrows, Beaverton, OR
Photographer: Jim Judkis