For each post you want to share, do the following:

  1. Choose a post from the week before, weekend of, or week after the collection.
  2. Download the image to your computer or phone using the arrow icon.
  3. Copy and paste the associated text into a new social media post.
  4. Upload the image into the post and share!


Week Before the Collection

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Our aging religious have dedicated their lives to service for little to no pay. Now they need your help. Please donate to the Retirement Fund for Religious collection at Mass next weekend.
Nuestros religiosos ancianos han dedicado su vida al servicio de otros por poca o ninguna paga. Ahora necesitan tu ayuda. Les rogamos que donen a la colecta del Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos en la misa del próximo fin de semana.
JPEG, 510KB Download
Many aging religious spent decades ministering for little pay. Now, their communities do not have enough retirement savings to care for them. You can help meet their needs by donating to the Retirement Fund for Religious at Mass next weekend.
Muchos religiosos ancianos sirvieron por décadas por poca paga. Ahora, sus comunidades carecen de ahorros para cuidarlos. Ayúdennos a satisfacer sus necesidades donando al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos en la misa del próximo fin de semana.

Weekend of the Collection

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Say thank you to our elderly religious by giving to the Retirement Fund for Religious this weekend. Your gift will directly help meet their needs. Please give back to those who have given a lifetime.
Agradezcan a nuestros religiosos ancianos donando al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos este fin de semana. Su regalo ayudará directamente a satisfacer las necesidades de ellos. Les rogamos que recompensen a aquellos que han dado toda una vida.
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We can't do this without you! Your gift to the Retirement Fund for Religious will make a meaningful difference in the life of a senior religious. Please give back to those who have given a lifetime by donating to this weekend's special collection.
¡No lo podemos hacer sin ustedes! Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos cambiará la vida de un religioso anciano. Les rogamos que recompense a aquellos que han dado toda una vida donando a la colecta especial de este fin de semana.

Week after the Collection

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You helped! Thank you for donating to the Retirement Fund for Religious. Your gift helps to ensure our senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests will receive the care they need.
¡Nos ayudaron! Gracias por donar al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos. Su donativo ayuda a garantizar que nuestras hermanas, hermanos y sacerdotes de órdenes religiosas mayores reciban la atención que necesitan.
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Your donation to the Retirement Fund for Religious makes a profound difference in the lives of senior religious across the country, and they are grateful for your generosity. Thank you for being a blessing!
Su donativo al Fondo para la Jubilación de Religiosos mejora enormemente la vida de los religiosos mayores de todo el país, y ellos les agradecen su generosidad. ¡Gracias por ser una bendición!