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Meet some of the women and men who benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Think Tanks Explore Property Planning
Recently, the National Religious Retirement Office (NRRO) hosted two gatherings aimed at developing content for educational initiatives related to effective property planning and utilization. Numerous religious communities report that a major obstacle in funding retirement is managing outdated congregational facilities. These buildings are usually large, expensive to maintain, and no longer suited to the needs of aging members. Renovation is often cost-prohibitive while selling is both emotionally and administratively challenging. There are no easy answers.
To better support religious institutes struggling with these issues, the NRRO launched Tending the Vineyard, a three-year effort funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation and aimed at providing educational resources and opportunities to promote effective property management. The recent think-tank gathering included NRRO consultants and representatives from religious institutes with previous property-planning experience. These individuals offered insight and feedback as it related to areas such as internal communications, pastoral care, pastoral leadership, and strategic and financial planning. This input will help guide the development of property-planning workshops, which will be offered in three regions around the country in 2016.