Stories & News
Meet some of the women and men who benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Sister Mary Ann Hanson, SND, 79

“My sister was to be a nun, and I was to be a mother,” explains Sister Mary Ann Hanson, 79, a member of the Sisters of Notre Dame of Thousand Oaks, California, “but God had other plans.”
Father Albert Bunsic, OCD, 81

“Have sacraments, will travel,” says Father Albert Bunsic, a member of the Discalced Carmelite Friars of the California-Arizona Province. During 59 years of religious life, he has done just that, serving wherever and however he was needed.
Sister Alfonsina Sanchez, OCD, 96

“I was born in a city that has everything from A to Z in the USA,’” says Sister Alfonsina Sanchez, echoing a phrase used to describe her hometown of Azusa, California. A member of the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles for more than 70 years, she now lives in the community’s retirement facility, just minutes from Azusa.