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Meet some of the women and men who benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Baltimore Religious Communities Smile for the Camera: Retirement Fund for Religious Collection Captures Heartwarming Moments

The Retirement Fund for Religious (RFR) team recently photographed senior religious persons from various religious communities in the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
These sisters, brothers, and religious order priests have all benefited from the generous donations to the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection.
The RFR team expresses their heartfelt gratitude to all the participants for their warm smiles and hospitality.
Thanks to the generous support of donors, we can continue to provide for the needs of elderly religious across the United States.
Above: Photographer Jim Judkis (right) captures Sisters Servants of Mary Immaculate. Back row, from left: Sr. Teresa Korycka, Sr. Krystyna Mroczek, Sr. Danuta Zielinski, Sr. Dorota Lelek, Sr. Marzena Barcikowska. Middle row, from left: Sr. Marianna Danko, Sr. Anna Biela, Sr. Irena Olkowska. Front row: Sr. Wanda Zdziarksa.

Above, from left: Photographer Jim Judkis; Fr. Frances Butler, SSJ; Fr. Paul Oberg, SSJ; Br. Charles Douglas, SSJ; Fr. Richard Wagner, SSJ; Sr. Ann Marie Schreiner, DC; Br. Abiodun Shedrack, SSJ (behind); Mr. Anthony Courseault; Fr. Robert Zawacki, SSJ.