Stories & News
Meet some of the women and men who benefit from the Retirement Fund for Religious.
Thanks for the Smiles!

Recently, the Retirement Fund for Religious (RFR) team was delighted to photograph several senior religious from the Archdiocese of New Orleans. These sisters, brothers, and religious order priests are from religious communities that have benefited from donations to the annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection. The RFR team wishes to thank all participants for their warm smiles and warm welcomes!
Above, from left: Sisters Marjorie Hebert, Immaculata Paisant, Ann Martinez (seated), and Juanita Wood, members of the Marianite Sisters of the Holy Cross.

Photographer Jim Judkis with Sisters Theresa Sue Joseph (left) and Germaine Henry of the Sisters of the Holy Family.

From left: Fathers Paul Watkins and Justin Kauchak, members of the Dominican Friars, Province of St. Martin de Porres.