Campaign Materials
The National Religious Retirement Office provides comprehensive materials to assist diocesan coordinators in promoting the Retirement Fund for Religious appeal in their (arch)dioceses. These items are for use in parishes and with the media.
Campaign Resources
Complete documents are available as JPGs or PDFs, which can be downloaded and/or printed. Certain documents are also provided as Microsoft Word files, which can be downloaded and edited for local needs. Campaign guides include materials for specific users.
(Arch)bishop to Parishioners Letter | |
(Arch)bishop to Pastors Letter | |
Bulletin Advertisement | |
Bulletin/Pulpit Announcements | |
Bulletin Cover/Small Poster | |
Bulletin Inserts, Black and White | |
Bulletin Inserts, Color | |
Coordinator Communications | |
Facts About the RFR | |
Parish Materials Request Form | |
Speaker Request Letter |
Print Ads
Print ads are offered in four standard sizes, with black and white and color versions of each size. If you need a custom size, please send an email request with your detailed requirements to requests@retiredreligous.org. Allow five business days for processing.
Campaign Image
The campaign photo is available for promoting the Retirement Fund for Religious appeal and is provided at 300 pixels per inch. Additional sizes and configurations are available upon request. Photos from the National Religious Retirement Office Annual Report are also available by request. Please email your detailed requirements to requests@retiredreligious.org and allow five business days for processing. Use of the photos must include the following credit: Photos: Jim Judkis. ©2024 United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Used with permission.
Web Banner Ads
Web banner ads are offered in three standard sizes. If you need a custom size, please send an email request with your detailed requirements to: requests@retiredreligious.org. Allow five business days for processing.
Leaderboard 728 x 90 pixels

Copy and paste HTML code:
Half-page Banner 300 x 600 pixels

Copy and paste HTML code:
Medium Banner 300 x 250 pixels

Copy and paste HTML code:
30- and 60-second appeals in English and Spanish are available for local and (arch)diocesan television and radio broadcasts.
TV/Radio request form
Social Media and Videos